Aktuellt datum och tid: 08 feb 2025, 23:08

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 Inläggsrubrik: Bockaby, 20 Apr 2025 - The Shattering - A Verage Event
InläggPostat: 16 dec 2024, 15:26 

Blev medlem: 13 maj 2024, 08:12
Inlägg: 8
Förnamn: Robrecht
Efternamn: Verhaeghe
Välkommen till The Shattering-serien.

Registrering och information här: https://airsofter.world/en-us/game/view-info?id=3707

Mer information om The Shattering här nedan eller på infosidan.

Betalning sker på plats med Swish.

Porten öppen: 0900
Information: 0945
Startinsats: 1000
Slutspel: 1600

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The Shattering - An Airsoft series

The Shattering is an ongoing airsoft series with a background for the overall story and different factions, the Onyx Brigade and the Quantum Order. This ongoing game keeps track of the controlled territories by each faction.

In The Shattering games, 2 factions battle it out on different airsoft locations to gain control over the territory. Every event organised has 2 faction commanders leading their people to victory by completing missions. A variety of multi mission games are included into The Shattering.

More info about the idea: https://verageairsoft.com/the-idea/

More info about the story: https://verageairsoft.com/the-story/

More info about the territory: https://verageairsoft.com/the-territory/

More info about the factions
The Onyx Brigade: https://verageairsoft.com/the-onyx-brigade/
The Quantom Order: https://verageairsoft.com/the-quantum-order/

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